Lion’s Club Acronyms

Lion’s Club Acronyms by Position

Council Chair…………………………………………………………….. CC

Council Chair Elect…………………………………………………….. CCE

Council Chair Elect Elect ……………………………………………. CCEE

Council Chair Elect Elect Elect…………………………………….. CCEEE

Council of Governor……………………………………………………. COG

District Governor………………………………………………………… DG

District Governor Elect………………………………………………… DGE

Global Extension Team…………………………………………………GET

Global Leadership Team……………………………………………… GLT

Global Membership Team…………………………………………… GMT

Global Service Team……………………………………………………. GST

International Director………………………………………………….. ID

International President………………………………………………… IP

Immediate Past Council Chair………………………………………. IPCC

Immediate Past District Governor………………………………… IPDG

Immediate Past International Director…………………………. IPID

Immediate Past International President……………………….. IPIP

Immediate Past President………………………………………..…… IPP

Lions Clubs International Foundation ………………………….. LCIF

Long Range Planning Commission………………………………… LRPC

Melvin Jones Fellow………………………………………………………. MJF

Melvin Jones Progressive Fellow…………………………………… MJPF

Past Council Chair………………………………………………………… PCC

Past District Governor………………………………………………….. PDG

Past International Director…………………………………………… PID

Past International President…………………………………………. PIP

Texas Lions Camp…………………………………………………..….…. TLC

Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center………………………….. TLERC

Texas Lions Foundation…………………………………………………. TLF

Vice Council Chair…………………………………………………………. VCC

Vice District Governor…………………………………………………… VDG (1st or 2nd)

World Services for the Blind…………………………………………. WSB

Boss Lion…………………………………………………………………..…. Club President

Young Leo age 11 and Under……………………………………….. CUB

Leadership Experience and Opportunity……………….…….. LEO

Fun Fact: A member of the Lion’s Clubs is referred to as a ‘Lion’ (this term is for both male or female). However, before women were ‘Lions’, they had their own clubs in which they were called a ‘Lioness’ (and very proud of it, as some still prefer to use that term today).